Thursday 17 January 2013

Green Tea: The Miracle Weight Loss Drink

Do you want to shed off those extra pounds you're carrying? Do you want to have a healthier looking body? Nowadays, people are so into diet fads, such as the high protein low carbohydrate diet that they don’t know that this is not very healthy for the body. It may slim you down, but you will put so much strain in your kidneys and liver that the insides of your body may not be as healthy as you might think it is. If you really want a healthy body and also a slimmer one, then eat the right kinds of food and drink green tea.

Yes, that's right, green tea. For thousands of years, the Chinese and the Japanese have been drinking this miracle brew because of its medicinal properties. Only recently, this tea has been introduced to the west and it definitely was a great hit. Today, you will see all sorts of people drinking green tea. From the elderly, to middle aged people and even teens, almost everyone is now drinking this miracle tea.

So, what's so good about it and how can it help you lose weight?

First of all, green tea is known to contain natural antioxidants that helps fight cancer. And, if that's not reason enough for you to drink this tea, then another reason is that it helps overweight people to lose weight.

If you are overweight, then you will definitely want to drink this tea as it has properties that naturally help the body burn fat and at the same time, keep the body healthy.

The great thing about this tea is that it has essential vitamins that helps raise the metabolism rate of your body. This means that you will be able to burn fat much more efficiently and convert it in to energy. Aside from maximizing your body's efficiency to burn fat and convert it in to energy, it will obviously make you more energetic and more active.

So, if you are feeling really tired or you feel that you need an extra boost of energy, then you will want to drink green tea. By doing so, you will be sure that you will feel the difference. You will feel as if you need to do something physical, such as exercising and you will feel as if you are so full of energy that you can spend all day at the gym having an intensive work out.

Because you will have a higher metabolism rate, you will be able to burn more fat much more efficiently. Combine exercise, then you will definitely be able to lose weight much faster. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that drinking green tea will make you slim overnight. You still need to work hard and exercise. You have to remember that this brew will not burn fat by itself. However, it will give you that energy that will allow you to burn fat through exercise.

Another great thing about this tea is that it helps keep the bad cholesterol out. It will mean it will lower the risk of stroke and heart disease for a healthier body that can withstand rigorous exercise.

This is how green tea works. If you want to lose weight the natural way, then eat right, exercise and drink at least four cups of green tea a day.

Easy Veggie Meal Plans

We know that dieting is a necessary part of losing weight and dieting is all about eating healthy foods, but we still get it wrong primarily because of our lack of knowledge about the foods we should choose from and eating habits we should adopt. ‘Easy Veggie meal plans’ is your source to helping you discover how to quickly lose weight the healthy way with new simple, easy, and cheap Veggie Meal Plans.

The difference between vegetarian and vegan is that Vegans eat no animal products at all; no eggs, milk, cheese or anything that has been cooked in animal fat. Vegetarians, on the other hand, will generally eat those things, or some plus or minus combination of those things.

Kardena Pauza is a former Ms. Fitness America; she will show you which foods to eat to lose body fat and which ones’ you should avoid. She will also teach you how to get enough complete protein sources so that you can maintain and even build muscle on vegetarian or vegan diet.

With easy veggies meal plan you'll get a 90-day meal plan for men or women that is full of vegan meals that will save you time and money. It will teach you how to begin a new vegetarian life style.

Some people may struggle when they start a vegetarian diet and even some people reportedly gain weight while starting vegetarian diets but it is all because they don’t know right vegetarian life style. The beginner vegetarians often eat all their meals from boxed foods found in the freezer section at the grocery store, and before they realize it, they gain ugly belly fat from the excess sugar and sodium in those so-called health foods.

She shows you how eating too much meat can be harmful to your body and she also blows the myth away that you cannot satisfy your protein requirements without eating meat. She will tell you that how eating the right vegetarian diet - full of healthy living foods, anti-oxidants, and nutrient-rich meals – will make you have more energy than a teenager, plus the complexion of a cover model and the healthiest body of anyone at any age.

The vegetarian life style is becoming popular because it really works, most of the celebrities of Hollywood for example Brad Pitt, Christie Brinkley, Jerry Seinfeld, Gwyneth Paltrow, Carl Lewis, Bodybuilder Bill Pearl, Alicia Silverstone, Martina Navratilova, Liv Tyler and Anthony Robbins have adopted the vegetarian lifestyle.
 This program also teaches you that how you can adopt to vegetarian foods with convenience and how they can be cooked faster and more conveniently than meat meals. Moreover the program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the program so that you don’t have anything to lose other than Fat!

Friday 11 January 2013


When Trying to Lose Weight, Don’t Forget to Exercise

            A startling statistic has been circulating over the Internet.  This stat claims that half of all those who want to lose weight don’t exercise.  While this might seem mind-boggling at first, it is not entirely surprising, when you stop to consider what American culture has become.

             In the early days of the republic, the majority of Americans did hard labor on farms.  They were used to exercise during their normal workday, so they ate large meals in order to give them the energy they needed to complete their tasks.  There weren’t any Oprah Winfreys around back then to question their eating habits.

            In the 19th century, Americans began moving into cities to take factory jobs.  Again, they spent much of their time on their feet.  Many walked to work and to school, so exercise was a part of their normal routine.  They didn’t have to worry about doing Pilates or strength training, since ordinary life afforded many opportunities to exercise.

           Fast-forward to today.  Many people have sedentary jobs, working on computers, working at desks, working at cash registers.  They have little opportunity during their work days to move, let alone get up and stretch.  At home, they may spend much of their time sacked out in front of a television set, or on their home computer. 

            However, studies have proven that the best weight loss plan combines sensible diet with exercise.  Certainly, you can reduce your calorie intake.  But it is also important to boost your metabolism, and that is best done through an exercise routine.  Since you must burn a phenomenal amount of calories in order to lose pounds, exercise is crucial to long-term weight loss success.

             But what if you don’t enjoy exercise?  How can you possibly start an exercise program?

              In short, you need motivation.  This can come from a variety of sources.  For instance, you might want to play your favorite up-tempo music during your exercise drills.  This can provide the incentive you need in order to get moving.  Another motivator can be to exercise with your children in tow.  This could mean doing jumping jacks with your kids, or jogging while you push a stroller.  You might also consider joining a “Mommy and Me” exercise class.  Another winning strategy is to employ the services of an exercise buddy.  This can be your mate, a friend, or even your mother.  You can encourage each other, helping each other to overcome various hurdles to regular exercise.

            Another strategy is to base your exercise program on something you really enjoy.  Even those of us who are not athletic usually have some physical activity that we look forward to, whether it’s volleyball or tennis, bowling or swing dancing.  The type of activity isn’t as important as the fact that you are engaging in it regularly.

             If at all possible, you should add strength training to your exercise regimen.  Lifting weights can boost your metabolism, causing you to burn calories while also adding muscle to your frame.  Strength training can also help you to guard against osteoporosis and other health problems.

             You might also consider hiring a personal trainer.  He or she can act as your coach, urging you on when you feel like quitting.  A trainer can provide you with the inspiration necessary to achieve your weight goals.  It has also been shown that those who employ a trainer reach their optimum weight faster than those who do not.

             You should also prioritize exercise.  You should mark it in your daily planner and stick to a regular exercise schedule.  The important thing is to make exercise a regular part of your life.  It should not be limited to special occasions, or those times when you are in the mood.  It needs to be as regular as breathing.

              In order to be a healthy person, you simply need exercise.  And exercise is also beneficial to your mind as you begin your weight loss program.  It can clear your head and help you to work out your frustrations.  In short, it can give you a sense of accomplishment that will put you in the right frame of mind when trying to shed weight.



Monday 7 January 2013

                             Fat Burning Furnace- review

Designed by Rob Poulos, Fat Burning Furnace is a weight loss program that shows you how you can get slimmer and teaches you the 5 facts of permanent fat loss. Bob spent years trying to find a good fat loss program, and finally came up with his own based on his experiences.

The 128 page e-book has three different sections and is in digital format for instant download. The first section will give you some basic information about fat loss and introduces the program. 

The second section covers the fitness aspect of the program and gives you relevant information about exercises and workouts.  The last section of the book covers nutrition, so you know exactly what you need to eat with the exercise routine. You’ll also get many great bonuses and free tools, including email support. The book and bonuses cost $39.97 and you get a 60 day iron clad 100% money back guarantee in case you don’t like it.
Fat Burning Furnace System  is basically a set of exercise routines combined with a basic eating plan, that aim to maintain pressure on your body to burn fat even when not exercising. The author does not believe in long workouts, or any sort of cardiovascular workouts, so his workouts involve just weights and can be completed in as little as 15 – 25 minutes a day.
The primary focus of the system is to perform some targeted exercises like curls for your arms, but perform them very slowly to maximize the impact they have. This also means you only have to do one set of the exercises, unlike the 3 sets most people are encouraged to do, which allows you to complete the workouts so quickly.
Since Fat Burning Furnace is not a crazy fad diet, you should expect to see more modest fat loss results.  However, this doesn’t mean you won’t see great results quickly.  Most customers show great results after only a week, losing around 3-5 pounds.  After about a month, many lose 10-15 pounds.  These seem to be pretty normal results for people following the Fat Burning Furnace program. While results depend on many different factors, you should see results close to these if you follow the program correctly.

The system could include more information on diet and nutrition, and it looks like this was added afterwards to complement the exercises as it is not as comprehensive as the information regarding the workouts.

Fat Burning Furnace is a fat loss guide that provides an easy to follow plan that is suitable for people with hectic lives. While it does focus on good nutrition and exercise, it won’t require you to make any dramatic changes to your life to see results.  If you’re willing to put in the effort with this program, you should see great fat loss results.

Workout Sites.

Workout Pass- Access to Workout Sites

With the’s membership you get access to 43 different workout websites. The workouts that you can learn include quick weight loss workouts, hoop workouts, lax workouts, ice hockey workouts, 10 minute workouts, agility workouts, etc.  Whether you're an athlete who wants to improve his game or someone looking to lose fat, there is something for everyone.

All the workouts in the network have been created by fitness experts. There are no computerized programs; the workouts are pre-tested, easy to follow. Here are some of the sites included in this membership.

Fitness Ballu: It has workouts using stability balls and swiss balls. You can quickly improve your strength, coordination and lose fat with these workouts.

Quick Weight Loss for Women: This a website that is dedicated to helping women burn fat quickly. It has workouts that are designed for busy women to get results in half the time.

Fast Weight Loss for Men: This website is for people who want to lose fat but don’t have the time for lengthy workouts. The site has workouts that will help you burn fat in half the time of traditional workouts.

100 meter: This is a resource for workouts exclusively for sprinters. If you get information on optimizing your time then check this website.

Big League Workouts: The website has great workouts for baseball players. These workouts will help you hit harder, swing quicker and run faster. A great resource for serious baseball players and coaches

Abs like Stone: This websites has information on workouts that will help you get those hard abs and you don’t have to do those boring crutches ever again.

Shot Maker Workouts: Shot Maker Workouts takes tell you exactly how to achieve golf fitness. You can choose a workout and follow the programs to hit the ball harder and straighter.

Agility workouts: With the help of the exercises listed here you can increase your agility and become a more valuable member of your team.

Body Weight Fit: The exercises included in this website don’t require you to use any weights. You can follow the bodyweight-only exercises and workouts and you will get a great workout that will help you reach your goals.

Ultimate Silver: The information given in this website will help you add inches to your Vertical Jump. Ultimate Vertical features only workouts to get you jumping higher quick.

Swimming Strength:  This is a website dedicated to out of the pool workouts for competitive swimmers. The information provided will help you become a faster swimmer and reduce shoulder injuries.

These are some of the websites that you get with the workout pass. There are plenty of other resources included in this package for other sports and fat loss. The package also includes conference calls and webinars with top fitness experts and performance coaches, weekly updates.