Friday 21 April 2023

Eating like a pig question

Eating like a pig question

I started eating better a while ago, i was a pig. I have lost 45 lbs, male 5’6 I don’t yet count calories but have dropped steadily. My goal is 165lbs and i m at 176lbs, my highest was 221lbs. Here comes the question. I used to go to buffet and stuff my face (i won’t say what i used to eat as i might get banned here 🤣. Kidding). What happens as far as fat when you eat thousand of calories a day? Is there a point where you stop accumulating fat? I mean if you are supposed to eat 1000 calories a day (Random number, not important) and let’s say at 2000 you start gaining weight. What happens if you eat 4000, 6000, 8000? I have never gone over 221 lbs no matter how much i would stuff. I m not asking about the damage on organs (Got none as far as i know after various tests including colonoscopies),just the weight factor. I will never eat like a pig anymore.


submitted by /u/vaindioux
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from Health

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